New building at De Nieuwe Maas, an impressive new multilevel distribution centre. The transparent front shows that a lot of hard work is being done in the port of Rotterdam.
Commissioned by Goodman for Archicom
Goodman approached Archicom with a request to design a multilevel distribution centre at Sluisjesdijk and De Nieuwe Maas. It had to be not just any building, but one with a “wow factor”!
Role of Archicom in realising distribution centre for Goodman
Archicom has studied the programme and the site in depth, as well as analysing the preliminary conditions in detail. The Port of Rotterdam legitimately sets high standards for the spatial quality of the port area. These requirements have been translated into a clear image quality plan “The Face of the Harbour”. Based on the results of the analysis, the design for the distribution centre was shaped by Archicom’s architects. The design was then presented to the Port Authority and the Q-team.
Result: attractive design and rave reviews
The result is an attractively designed distribution centre at a special location in the port of Rotterdam. Praising reviews from renowned members of the Q team, where the ‘Q’ stands for Quality. To give the port of Rotterdam the intended look, the Q-team exists since 2007. This team consists of experts in architecture, urban planning and landscape. Some of the praising reviews on the distribution centre’s design include:
“We are very happy with the innovation of stacking. The size and scale suit the Sluisjesdijk and it is a good place to showcase this innovation and encourage other developing parties.”
“This is very cleverly done, a huge building fitting the silhouette with a transparent frontage where you can read the activity.”
“An interesting typology and a beautiful building.”
Key features of this new multilevel distribution centre in the port of Rotterdam:
- Total gross floor area: 40.645 m²
- Warehouse: 28.890 m²
- Mezzanine: 5.655 m²
- Office: 1.630 m²