Vicoma supports Mars with expansion of factory in Veghel • Vicoma Skip to content

Vicoma supports Mars with expansion of factory in Veghel

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Aart den Dunen

Aart den Dunnen

Manager Operations

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Mars called in Vicoma for assistance in expanding their factory in Veghel. The question was if we could take care of the basic engineering. Later we were also asked to take care of the preparation of the demolition and the guidance during the construction.

Project: expansion for realising a new production line

After some time, Mars felt the need to install a new production line. As it appeared to be impossible to realise this in the existing building, the choice was made for an extension. Fortunately there was enough space on the site that could be used to build a new hall that connected to the existing building.

Vicoma’s role: from basic engineering to support

To realise this, Vicoma was called in to draw up a complete plan for the expansion. We started with the basic engineering of the building, including (HVAC), lighting, utilities and sprinkler installation. Next, specifications were written for contracting out the construction. Because changes also had to be made to the existing building, we made calculations so that the demolition work could proceed without problems. During the detailed engineering and construction, we provided guidance.

Result: efficient use of materials and space

The result of this great project is a new hall that consists of a process and packaging section. We designed the building so that there are as few columns as possible in the space by using castellated beams with a span of 40 metres. This provides a great deal of flexibility for the layout of the equipment versus the layout of the space. Additional skylights have been added to the roof in order to ensure a good incidence of light, and sound-absorbing materials have been used in order to create a pleasant and quiet working environment. Mars is very happy with the new hall in Veghel and it is also an example for the other production locations.

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